Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Pastor's Blog

Dear Family in Christ,

What a tremendous November we experienced with the Lord Jesus Christ!  Teams of missionaries spreading the Gospel in Central America, guest ministers speaking into our youth’s lives and prophets declaring God’s future goals for The Gathering and us individually.

Again, might I say we have so much to be thankful for: I encourage you to get the recordings of the services to hear again what the Lord is promising to each of us.

Family, we must continue to place our seeing and hearing upon God and His Word.  The world is consistently filling the airwaves with its negative reports and yes, some of it is true!  

However, we are standing on God’s promises; He has declared a future and a hope an expected end!

Good and not evil, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives.

As we celebrate the joyous time of the incarnation, God becoming man, better known as Christmas, let us remember that Emmanuel, God, is with us!

There is a certain sense of sentiment with the baby Jesus story and yes we should Praise God for the birth through the virgin; but let us first realize the ultimate purpose of this birth or the reason for the season.

God with us!
Men reconciled with God.
Peace on earth because of this reconciliation.
Good will to all men who receive Him!

Then we shout, “Glory to God in the highest!”

Family, celebrate in the Spirit with thanksgiving your reconciliation, and enjoy the good will God has given to you!

Bless you and your families as well,

Pastors Ken and Tonja