Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pastor's Blog - September 2013

Being a part of History!

As we walk out our Christian salvation, we go through many trials and battles. When God called you by name, you had a decision to make. Do I except Him as my Lord and Savior, or do I walk away?

Today, I want to talk to those who accepted His call. Many in the church have been lead to believe that just accepting Him is enough. What a lie the enemy of God has portrayed on the church. I believe that is one of the reasons we see and are seeing the falling away of many people from the church.

I want you to reflect on what the Holy Spirit has done or told you. What plans did He give you when you received Jesus in your heart? Every one of us has been given talents or gifts, but many lie dormant. Some gifts were used, only to now lie hidden in your heart. Some are using their gifts, but not to the full potential, while others are striving to do whatever God has given them to do. In Matthew 25:15, it speaks about giving talents according to their ability. What has God given to you? Selah.

I want to encourage you this month to meditate on what God has given you to do in the Kingdom of God. Now don’t shut the door; keep reading.

Each one has been given a job to do. Unlike the world that says that after so many years you stop and retire, God is saying it’s time to REFIRE.

As the title of this message says, “being a part of history.” Where do you fit?

Just like your salvation, you have a choice of what part of history are you going to play.

We are one body; the foot is just as important as the hand. YOU are just as important as the person next to you. Using the talents that have been given to you, what is your passion? It has been given to you. It’s yours! Others do not have it; God gave it to YOU.

An apple cannot be an orange, no matter how hard it may want to be. Some try to be something they are not, but should use the talents the Lord has given to each of them.

Remember that you are not alone. Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit what your gifting and talents are. Then get involved in an area that will train you up to do what God has called you to.

Now your flesh is saying, “I’ve done enough” or “I am tired.”
“I’ve got my fire insurance; I will just wait on the Lord’s return.”

Well, you could do that, but I have found that it’s much more fun being in the game than sitting on the bench.

In His Service,

Pastor Chuck Ritzi