Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pastor's Blog - June 2013

Family of God,

 It has been exciting to watch the Lord transform our fellowship from a single pastor headship to a plurality of leadership over the last year. At first I was concerned as to how the New Testament fivefold ministry would function, having only been acquainted with the traditional protestant order. Now, I have come to understand why this is the way the 1st century church was organized by the Holy Spirit. Simply stated, believers were never intended to become “do nothing Sunday morning pew sitters,” but rather, ministers - filled with the Holy Spirit - trained and released to effectively evangelize the whole world. This revelation has given me a new found urgency to a change that must occur within each of us.

I want to encourage each of you to realize that you have a vital part to play. You were created for this moment in time by God himself (Acts 26:16). Your whole life has been directed by God so that you have arrived at the right place at the right time with the right talents (giftings) to achieve all that God needs within His Kingdom. The only thing that you need to supply is a complete surrender to God’s plan.

 Remember that there are no insignificant roles to be played (1 Cor.12:12-26).  So, let’s ALL get involved and make a difference for God’s Kingdom. I encourage you to make this a matter of prayer and be prepared to hear from God like little Samuel who humbly answered God by saying, Speak, for your servant hears.”

YOU make the difference. God needs YOU!

In His Service,

Dan Buckley