Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pastor's Blog - September 2012

Dear Family of God,

Blessings to you from our Lord Jesus Christ!

Everyday I become more amazed at God’s love and grace for His people, His ongoing faithfulness and certainly His mercy which is new every morning. I need that wonderful mercy of God because daily I fall short of the mark. Yet God loves us so much that He refuses to condemn us when we miss the mark.

Family, I encourage you to really seek the Lord through fellowship and prayer and the study of the Word, by worshipping and waiting on His loving presence.

Lately, the Holy Spirit has been saying to me that we are entering into a time of His victorious moving. So be expecting to receive victory where you need it. It may be your health or finances or the need for family restoration; just release your faith and receive.

All of us are being exalted to a new place in Christ…

A new authority in Christ…

A new awareness in Christ…

A new dimension of favor in Christ…

A new release of passion for Christ.

So don’t hold back as fall arrives upon us. Before we know it, a new season has come, both in the natural and spiritual realm. This new season is your season to overcome and catch the wind of the Spirit as He moves us to a closer proximity in godliness and actual manifestations of God’s power and glory.

This is yours for the asking and taking!

We love you all and pray everyday for your lives.

Pastors Ken  & Tonja