Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pastor's Blog - April 2012

Greetings Dear Family of God,

What an amazing God we serve, who loves us with an incomparable passion!

Recently, we had visiting with us two young men whose lives were radically changed by a bona fide visitation from God. If you were not here to hear their testimony, I encourage you to purchase the CD recording. It will greatly impact your life. Several people were physically healed and the touch of God’s presence truly was in operation.

What exciting times are upon us!

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, April 21st, for our believers’ KAM training. I promise you will not be disappointed by attending. The training is so refreshing, and afterwards you will feel truly equipped to reach the lost. By the way, our teams have been going out ministering and God is touching lives. People are responding to the good news that Jesus saves!

Family, stay connected; don’t get weary while doing well. Your due season is upon you!

 We are entering into the most productive time as believers in Christ our Savior. His glory will be poured out on all the earth and amazingly we will be His vessels to carry a release of that awesome glory!

Let’s continue to do good, knowing that from the Lord we will receive our reward!

Bless each of you as you celebrate His glorious triumph over death. Be sure to walk in His resurrection power!

Happy Easter!

Pastors Ken  & Tonja