Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pastor's Blog - February 2012

Dear Family of God,

Greetings in Jesus and may the joy of the Lord be your strength.

Most of January we taught on the subject of spiritual warfare and our weapons and armor.

Brothers and Sisters, it is crucial in this hour that we stay alert and knowledgeable of the
enemy’s schemes. The devil does go about seeking those who he may devour. It is his plan first to lie with deceptive words, words that go into our flesh nature and stir a response in us. The adversary never stops challenging the truth of God’s Word; he maligns the Word, twists the Word, erodes the Word, until it has no effect in our lives.

We must stand for truth, becoming lovers of the truth because in our times, the last times, men will no longer love the truth or sound doctrine but will follow after their own lust and pleasure.

This is one of the major signs of our times:

Making people feel good through political correctness.

OR...shall we make people free through the truth?

Jesus said to us, “You shall know the truth! And the knowledge of the truth shall make you free!” Freedom and truth cannot be separated. Freedom cannot be obtained outside of truth.

God’s Word is absolute truth!

Rely on it, stand on it, recite it, live it.

The only way for us not to be deceived by the deceiver is to know, stand, and live in truth.


Pastors Ken  & Tonja