Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pastor's Blog - July 2011

Dear Family of God,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Mighty Lord and Savior, who has blessed us with all Spiritual Blessings and His Glorious Presence as well!

Well summer is now upon us with warm long days, our children are happy to be released from school for a short while and hopefully we can all have a vacation this summer and enjoy a break from our labors.

Please don’t forget about Family Camp at Lake Lopez near Pismo Beach. Camping, BBQ’s, fishing, boating, a time of great fellowship and growing in God’s love.

The Gathering has planned Summer Fun Days for our children this month: VBS, July 22nd and 23rd at Renaissance Church, and July 24th at Raney Intermediate.

The new sanctuary is coming along well and we hope to occupy by August. Please keep the permit process in your prayers.

We love you all and continue to look forward with great anticipation to God’s amazing work here at The Gathering. Your ongoing support of God’s vision and your faithfulness to His plans are truly a blessing to see.

Have a great summer!

Watch the heat and don’t get burned!

Your  Pastors,

Ken and Tonja Peters