Monday, June 13, 2011

Pastor's Blog - June 2011

Dearest Family in Christ Jesus,

As you are aware, we have moved!

Sometimes change and moving can bring uncertainty and a possible sense of the fear of the unknown…but let me remind you all of the greatness of our God:

Nearly four years ago we landed at 1901 W. Ontario Avenue, exactly as the prophetic word of the Lord stated to us, “I’ve got something for you and there will be an interim place.  The Lord says you surely will remodel it and retrofit it and you will add great value for the days ahead, but the Lord said, what I really have for you is something custom…for I have called you to possess the land.”

Another prophet, Shawn Bolz, declared he saw us in a concrete “tilt-up” building, beside a major freeway, with a large sign…

We have moved into two beautiful buildings just off the 15 and 91 freeways!

These properties were built in 2007, and the building for our new church home has never been inhabited!  The Lord has been holding it just for The Gathering!  Several churches have attempted to occupy, but God had it for us!!

The offices are directly across a wonderful courtyard with a beautiful water fountain, where we can have fellowship and enjoy each other’s friendship.

The owners are working to make it possible for us to purchase the properties as well.
We can grow here, we will occupy NEW facilities, and next to us is a 9000 square foot
building waiting for our faith to reach up and possess it!

Let’s grab the Lord’s excitement for our next steps and get ready for His best for your life.

Thanks for your support and love for His work and Kingdom,

Pastor Ken