Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pastor's Blog - December 2013

Greetings from Pastor Neil, (The gray-haired guy typically seen standing at the back.) 

For many, 2013 was quite a challenge.  Health, financial and employment issues, family struggles, loved ones ushered into the presence of the Lord, and yes, even floods (Lord, I thought that wasn’t supposed to happen again?).  For others, there were moments of celebration with new babies, blessed businesses, jobs, children returning home and even some moving out (hallelujah).  

I imagine we all have our stories to tell.  But I have to ask, do we have a testimony?   What I mean by testimony is, what role did Jesus play in your life situations this last year?  Regardless of what we faced, whether a challenge or a victory, Jesus was with us all the way and didn’t miss a thing.  Some find it hard to believe, but “all things” really do “work together for good to those who love God” and are “predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.”  (Rom. 8:28-29)  At times, that conforming can be a little painful.  Regardless, please join me in a mighty shout of “PRAISE GOD” for being with us in 2013 and as we look forward to the greater glory of 2014.

How can I close without saying something about Christmas? I’m more of Resurrection Sunday (Easter) guy myself!  Now I know we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, but considering Jesus is the Creator with no beginning or ending, it’s hard for me to envision Jesus as a baby.  With that, I like to look at Christmas as a celebration of the day our Creator clothed Himself with His creation to walk among us. What a testimony! 

So this Christmas, truly love one another. Don’t stress over gifts or when someone says “Happy Holidays,” respond with a “Merry Christmas,” a smile and a wink.  Be nice to all the Santa Clauses, try leading one or two to the Lord,  throw a little something in the Salvation Army bucket and finally, go ahead and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Pastors Ken and Tonja, the Elders and staff pray God’s rich blessings on you all.

Pastor Neil Smith


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pastor's Blog - November 2013

Greetings Gathering Family,                                                                 11/03/13

Well, well, well...59 days left in 2013. That means the holidays are just around the corner. Thanksgiving is only four weeks away, Christmas is only eight weeks away, and New Year’s is only nine weeks away.

We are a family not bonded by earthly blood but by Heavenly blood, and since we are a family, we must remember that this is a very tough time of year for some of our family members. We must tune in to the Spirit to help those family members who are having a tough time of it, because so many of them won’t say anything to any of us. They will just suffer through the wonderful holidays without saying a word.

We all need a little love, but this time of year some of our brothers and sisters need a little bit more love. Ephesians 5:1-2 states, “Be, therefore, followers of God as dear children; and walk in love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma.” We need to follow the lead of Jesus and truly walk in love. It may be we will have to scale back our own holiday celebrations to be able to help out a brother or sister. Maybe we need to just interact with them and give them the opportunity to open up their hearts and talk with someone, let them know someone cares. Whatever the sacrifice may be, God will honor it. Let’s stop playing church and be the church. Philippians 2:3 states, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility VALUE others above yourselves.”

I pray you all have the best holidays you have ever had.

God bless,

Pastor Roger Collum


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pastor's Blog - October 2013

Greetings Family of God,

What a summer we had!  From the great weather we enjoyed during Family Camp at Lake Lopez to the last few sweltering weeks, we have seen God do some really great things.  Our Children’s Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School really ministered to our children, with many receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and being baptized in water.  Our youth “camp out” at Pastors Jeremy and Kelli’s house brought a great spirit of unity to our youth.  Who will ever forget the bear encounter at Family Camp? Finally, how awesome it has been experiencing the increased outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our services.

Over the last several weeks, we have heard of the many things that we are facing as believers as Christ’s return draws near.  Even though we may reflect on the past, what is God having you to do for the future, for your life, for your family, for His Kingdom?  I want encourage you with Matthew 6:33 – “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

God, in His goodness and grace, has so many things for us.  We have to take a step of faith and take hold of them to see what He will do.  As we participated in the events mentioned above this summer, we would not have had the experiences we had if we did not step out and do them.  Don’t miss out on what God has for you during this season.  Step out so you will experience the blessings He has for you and see the promises He will fulfill through you.


Pastor Ryan



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pastor's Blog - September 2013

Being a part of History!

As we walk out our Christian salvation, we go through many trials and battles. When God called you by name, you had a decision to make. Do I except Him as my Lord and Savior, or do I walk away?

Today, I want to talk to those who accepted His call. Many in the church have been lead to believe that just accepting Him is enough. What a lie the enemy of God has portrayed on the church. I believe that is one of the reasons we see and are seeing the falling away of many people from the church.

I want you to reflect on what the Holy Spirit has done or told you. What plans did He give you when you received Jesus in your heart? Every one of us has been given talents or gifts, but many lie dormant. Some gifts were used, only to now lie hidden in your heart. Some are using their gifts, but not to the full potential, while others are striving to do whatever God has given them to do. In Matthew 25:15, it speaks about giving talents according to their ability. What has God given to you? Selah.

I want to encourage you this month to meditate on what God has given you to do in the Kingdom of God. Now don’t shut the door; keep reading.

Each one has been given a job to do. Unlike the world that says that after so many years you stop and retire, God is saying it’s time to REFIRE.

As the title of this message says, “being a part of history.” Where do you fit?

Just like your salvation, you have a choice of what part of history are you going to play.

We are one body; the foot is just as important as the hand. YOU are just as important as the person next to you. Using the talents that have been given to you, what is your passion? It has been given to you. It’s yours! Others do not have it; God gave it to YOU.

An apple cannot be an orange, no matter how hard it may want to be. Some try to be something they are not, but should use the talents the Lord has given to each of them.

Remember that you are not alone. Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit what your gifting and talents are. Then get involved in an area that will train you up to do what God has called you to.

Now your flesh is saying, “I’ve done enough” or “I am tired.”
“I’ve got my fire insurance; I will just wait on the Lord’s return.”

Well, you could do that, but I have found that it’s much more fun being in the game than sitting on the bench.

In His Service,

Pastor Chuck Ritzi


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pastor's Blog - August 2013

 A quote from a friend, Steve Ditmar:

Abide in Me

Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.”

Thank God for this verse of scripture! Thanking God for His Word is faith alive. Gratitude is the fruit of grace and grace is the fruit of faith.

Where are we in our journey?

From conception to birth, from believing to receiving, beginning to ending, so much space exist. There are many pitfalls along the way; immaturity of the Spirit, earthly longings that lust against the Spirit, and, oh yes, betrayal. Staring in the face of our human failures and our own personal shortcomings, there is the law ever-present in some form to show us how we should have lived, done, been, etc., ...then God would have honored His promises to us.

I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen for this lie because it is tempting to consider yourself smart enough to be part of the equation of salvation.

Promises made by God to us are inheritances given and are not dependent upon the law!

Long before God reveals any promise to us, He has already determined within Himself His ability to deliver that promise. The promise is not conditional upon our ability but is complete in Christ and brought to us by faith!

Galatians 3:18  For if the inheritance is based on the law, it is no longer based on a promise, but God gave it to Abraham by means of a promise.

The problem is promises are contended over! The thief comes to take what has been sown into our hearts. Brothers become jealous of our privileged words. We bumble along, ever confident in our flesh that we know what is next or what we need to do, if only given the chance.

We receive His promise and His nature takes hold but we are still living in our old nature—striving, fearing, and reacting.  Now we are in the God drama! The harder we work, the harder we fail. The more we run, the faster we are pursued. The longer we refuse, the more we are out-waited by God. It really is impossible to be separated from His love! Eventually, we come to see that our perceptions, fears, and old nature must die. Thus the Cross!

 Family, anytime the revelation of God (the seeing) comes, promise of its continuance and future maturity accompanies it!

God is intentional! He touches us, drawing us with desire. The smallest thought towards God is a promise of life with Him. A whisper of His presence is a river of eternity in His love.

 Yes, you have been given promises!

-Brother Ken


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pastor's Blog - July 2013

Greetings Family of God!

Amazingly we are now in the month of July; the heat has come and summer is definitely here in Southern California. Youngsters are enjoying their break from school and many of us are looking forward to vacations and a little rest from our labors.

Our Children’s Summer Camp was incredible. All the children were radically touched by the Lord Jesus Christ. Many kids gave their lives to the Lord, many others felt the leading to recommit their hearts to Jesus, and a large number of children were baptized in the Holy Spirit. And, of course, they all had a great time of fun and fellowship at Big Bear.

A special thanks to all who prayed and financially supported the camp; our children will forever be changed by your sacrifice!

Family, I pour my heart out to you about a matter that is of great importance…
The Gathering finances!

Thank you for always staying faithful to the Lord with your giving and tithing!

During the summer often many forget that church expenses continue. Please stand with us in prayer and tangible ongoing giving, keeping The Gathering purposes alive and well during the next three months.

I realize that with vacations and family expenses, it seems to add another weight when looking at giving. But I am certain if we put the Lord first in this area, even above our own needs, we will be blessed exceedingly!

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” and that He loves “cheerful givers.” When we give a good measure, the Lord will see to it that your return is increased and that men will give unto your bosom!

I pray you enjoy this season and grow in the Lord’s grace…

With Christian Love,

Brother Ken


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pastor's Blog - June 2013

Family of God,

 It has been exciting to watch the Lord transform our fellowship from a single pastor headship to a plurality of leadership over the last year. At first I was concerned as to how the New Testament fivefold ministry would function, having only been acquainted with the traditional protestant order. Now, I have come to understand why this is the way the 1st century church was organized by the Holy Spirit. Simply stated, believers were never intended to become “do nothing Sunday morning pew sitters,” but rather, ministers - filled with the Holy Spirit - trained and released to effectively evangelize the whole world. This revelation has given me a new found urgency to a change that must occur within each of us.

I want to encourage each of you to realize that you have a vital part to play. You were created for this moment in time by God himself (Acts 26:16). Your whole life has been directed by God so that you have arrived at the right place at the right time with the right talents (giftings) to achieve all that God needs within His Kingdom. The only thing that you need to supply is a complete surrender to God’s plan.

 Remember that there are no insignificant roles to be played (1 Cor.12:12-26).  So, let’s ALL get involved and make a difference for God’s Kingdom. I encourage you to make this a matter of prayer and be prepared to hear from God like little Samuel who humbly answered God by saying, Speak, for your servant hears.”

YOU make the difference. God needs YOU!

In His Service,

Dan Buckley


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pastor's Blog - May 2013

Dear Church Family,

What an awesome feeling to know our Heavenly Father truly loves us as His children. There are many examples and verses the Bible shows us about Christ and His love for us.  For this very reason we should show others this same love.

As a family of believers, we must be willing to look past our own selves and the circumstances we may be facing in order to possess God’s type of love for our families, our friends, our church family, and most importantly love for our Savior, Jesus.

In Matthew 22: 37-39, the scribe asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was and Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:  ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Let’s remember why the Lord laid down His life for us, because He loved us and we should be willing to do the same for each other.

1 Peter 4:8-9 says, And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”  Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.

I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and go to someone you do not know and show them Christ’s love.  This could be someone at church, the grocery store, convenience store, gas station, or anywhere the Lord places you.  Let’s go above and beyond because Jesus did for us.

In Christ’s Love,
Jeremy Lawson


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pastor's Blog - April 2013

Dear Church Family,
It’s been several days since our Resurrection Sunday celebration and my heart is
still filled with the joy of the Lord. He is Risen! A shout of praise! ……. “HE is RISEN!” 

Such a joyful noise we made in joining with La Reunion to praise and worship our King, the Lord of ALL! Truth is, my spirit is soaring……..

The tangible presence of the Spirit of God was evidenced by numerous first-time
salvations and many coming forward to rededicate their lives to the Lord.

Let us all continue together in unity. We are clearly in a season of fruitfulness and

I pray for all of us, just as Paul did in his letter to the Philippian church:

Philippians 1:9-11

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and
all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may
be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of
righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

With great joy!

Paul Murray



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pastor's Blog - March 2013

Dear Family of God,

Greetings and blessings from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

 I want to personally say “thank you” to each and every one of you for the honor and privilege it has been serving you these past eight years!

You have been my joy and delight as we have walked this journey into God’s fullest purpose.

I am so very excited about the Lord’s choices of leaders and those He has called to the Five-Fold Ministry.

It feels as though the Lord has released the Joshua generation into the conquering mode!

Please continue to be willing in heart for all the Lord has for you individually and certainly the opportunities corporately.

What a joy to be a community of believers!

“Common” and “unity” are the two words I think of when speaking of “community.”

We have so much in common! We all love Holy Spirit and His wonderful gifts. We all love to
worship Jesus! We all are amazed at our Heavenly Father.

And now we are walking in unity. So much is possible through the unity of the brethren.

Remember to pray daily for all of our Elders and especially Pastors Ryan and Holly.

Lift up the Will of God everyday in prayer for The Gathering.

Stand firm in the storm; raise your sails in the wind. And God will certainly fulfill your heavenly desires.

With much love,

Pastor Ken